The 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss Infographics

sensear-7-degrees-infographic-thRecognize the 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss

Anyone can experience hearing loss because of a medical condition or due to environmental factors, such as working in a high noise environment. Many are unaware of their compromised hearing and subsequently allow it to progress. Hearing loss can be measured at the following levels:

•   Slight
•   Mild
•   Moderate
•   Moderate Severe
•   Severe
•   Profound
•   Anacusis

Download this infographic to learn more about the 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss and recognize what stage you may be in. Taking a proactive approach to hearing loss can either slow or completely stop further hearing damage.

Click here to download 7 Degrees of Hearing Loss Infographics


*Note: This site is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Sensear provides general information for educational purposes only. If you suspect you have hearing loss, please consult a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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